Legal Fee & Stamp Duty Calculator
Legal fees for sale and purchase agreements and loan agreements are regulated by the Solicitors’ Remuneration Order 2023. The stamp duty for sale and purchase agreements and loan agreements are determined by the Stamp Act 1949 and Finance Act 2018.The latest stamp duty scale will apply to loan agreements dated 1 January 2019 or later and to sale and purchase agreements and instruments of transfer dated 1 July or later. Feel free to use our calculators below. Please contact us with your inquiry and for a quotation of our legal fees for advising and handling your transaction.
Sale and Transfer
Legal Fees:
Stamp Duty:
Loan Agreements, Charges, Security & Financing Documents
Legal Fees:
Stamp Duty:
Disclaimer: The calculation of the Scale Fee of Conveyance of Property of consideration exceeding RM7,500,000.00 is subject to negotiation on the excess, not exceeding 1% of such excess. Please contact us with your inquiry and for a quotation of our legal fees for advising and handling your transaction.
In direct purchase from a Developer and of any transaction governed by the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 [Act 118] or any subsidiary legislation made under that Act or any amendment thereof or any subsequent legislation governing housing development, the remuneration of the solicitor having the conduct of and completing the transaction, whether acting for the vendor or the purchaser, shall be as follows:
Consideration Scale Fee
RM50,000 or less RM500
Exceeding RM50,000.00 but not exceeding RM250,000 75% from the full scale fee (subject to a minimum of RM500)
Exceeding RM250,000 but not exceeding RM500,000 70% from the full scale fee
Exceeding RM500,000 but not exceeding RM1,000,000 50% from the full scale fee
Charges, Debentures and other Security or Financing Documents
For each subsidiary instrument for the purposes of subsection 4(3) of the Stamp Act 1949 [Act 378]:-
10% of the full scale fee (subject to a minimum fee of RM500 and a maximum fee of RM2,000)
Tenancy & Leases - Legal Fee and Stamp Duty Calculator
Legal Fees:
Stamp Duty:
Legal Fees:
Stamp Duty:
Disclaimer: The calculation of the Scale Fee for Tenancies and Leases with consideration / monthly rent exceeding RM10,000.00 is subject to negotiation with the solicitor having the conduct of and completing the transaction subject to the remit in place under the Act. Please contact us for an accurate quotation of our legal fees for advising and handling your transaction.
The NLC distinguishes between leases with tenancies, with the former having a term exceeding three years (and are required to be registered) and tenancies exempt from registration, which have a term of up to three years (and are not registrable).